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The site is the property of Christian Beaufils. The entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. Any representation, use or reproduction (in its form or content) of the site is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Christian Beaufils. In any event, it will be subject to the obligation to display a clear and legible mention of the site address: The establishment of any hypertext link pointing to this site is subject to the same regime. All images, texts and graphics used without the consent of Christian Beaufils may be the subject of criminal proceedings.

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Name : Christian BEAUFILS
Registered Address : 455 route de Crozet - 01710 THOIRY - France
Phone number : +33621538381
RCS N° 891725681
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Code APE : 7112B
Editorial manager : Christian BEAUFILS
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Website production  : Christian BEAUFILS

Site hosting : LWS  
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